2R Shining Friends (四葉草主題曲) [結他chord譜]
A little (faith)
Brightens a (rain)y day
|Em |D
Life is (dif)ficult you can't go a(way)
|C |G
( )Don't hide yourself in the (cor)ner
|Am |D
You (have) my place to s(tay)
|G |D
( )Sorrow is gonna say good(bye)
Opens (up)
You'll see the happy sun(shine)
|C |G
( )Keep going on with your (dream)
Chasing tomorrow's sun(rise)
The spirit can never (die)
|G |D
Sun will (shine), my (friend)
|Em |D
Won't let you (cry), my (dear)
Seeing (you) shed a tear,
make my (world) disappear
|Am |D
You'll never (be) alone in (dark)ness
|G |D
See my (smile), my (friend)
|Em |D
We are with (you), holding (hands)
You have (got) to believe,
you are my (des)tiny
We're meant to (be) your friends
|D |G
That's (what) a friend should (be)
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