Pink Floyd - Song for Palestine [結他chord譜]

Writers: Pink Floyd      Key:G     4/4    Arranged By Camille Lam
|G C G - |G C G - |G C Em A |D   |
|G C G - |G C G - |G C D -  |G   |

|G    C   G  |G   C  G 
We shall over
-come, we shall over-come
|G    C Em  A  |D
We shall over
-come some-day
|C     G  |C   G
Deep in my heart, I do believe
  |C      D    |G
That we shall overcome

  |G     C   G   |G    C  G 
And we'll walk hand in hand, we'll walk hand in hand
|G    C   Em  A |D
We'll walk hand in hand one day

|C  G/B    |C G/B G
Deep in my heart,  I do believe

  |C        Em D    |G  D  G
That we'll walk hand in hand 
 one day

  |G     C        G  |G     C        G 
And we'll break down the prison walls,
 we'll tear down those prison walls
|G    C   Em       A     |D
Together we'll tear down the prison walls on that day

|C  G/B    |C G/B G
Deep in my heart,  I do believe
              |C        D        |G
Then we will tear down all those prison walls on that day

|G C G - |G C G - |G C Em A |D   |

|C  G/B  G   |C G/B G
Deep in my heart,  I do believe
              |C        D        |G
Then we will tear down all those prison walls on that day

    |G    C   G   |G     C   G 
And the truth will set us free, the truth
will make us free
  |G    C   Em A   |D
The truth will set us all free on that day
   |C G/B  G  |C G/B G
And deep in my heart,  I do believe
    |C        D    |G
That the truth will set us all free on that day

  |C      D     |G 
And we shall overcome on that day



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