林二汶 慳電乖乖 Please Come and Save the Earth [結他chord譜]
|G |C
( )冷氣機開得唔(好)咁低溫
|D |G
( )25.5度已(經)夠晒凍
|G |C
( )洗衣機開機請(裝)滿啲啦
|D |G
( )開機得一半(好)嘥電架
|C |D
( )LED燈膽(慳)得更多
|C |D
( )煮野用電爐安(心)好處多
|G |C
Please come and (save) the earth 每(天)都靚晒
|C |D
(我)愛世界 用電少(啲)至乖乖
|G |C
Please come and (save) the earth 唔(浪)費電就啱晒
|D |G
(熄)熄燈燈 地球就(換)個狀態
|G |C
( )用電嘅車車 環(保)夠清新
|D |G
( )又冇污染物 冇(黑)煙臭臭
|G |C
( )玩少啲手機 熄(咗)電腦啦
|D |G
( )玩得多眼痛 仲(好)嘥電架
|C |D
( )識揀好燈膽 (慳)得更多
|C |D
( )熄燈救地球 幫(手)可以麼
|G |C
Please come and (save) the earth 每(天)都靚晒
|C |D
(我)愛世界 用電少(啲)至乖乖
|G |C
Please come and (save) the earth 唔(浪)費電就啱晒
|D |G
(熄)熄燈燈 地球就(可)以靚晒
|G |C
Please come and (save) the earth 每(天)都靚晒
|C |D
(我)愛世界 用電少(啲)至乖乖
|G |C
Please come and (save) the earth 唔(浪)費電就最乖
|D |G
(熄)熄燈燈 地球就(可)以靚晒
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